ReGenesis Media was founded originally as SeThInk Media in 2005/6 and served as a digital publishing service for organizations and individuals who were aligned with the purpose of creating a healthy future here on Earth.  The company sponsored many events, online social networking platforms, produced internet radio, published informational DVD’s, and overall operated as a company for social benefit. 

The company rebranded as ReGenesis Media when owner Darlene Green (aka Cavallara) relocated the company to Colorado.  The mission is still the same and although it has been decided not to feature all the past work in a portfolio the company still is committed to publishing high quality books, DVD’s, online platforms and supporting organizations that work tirelessly to improve the world we live in.  

Below are banners and images from past projects and published works.

Global EcoVillage & Community Network was a flagship project with a goal of helping EcoVillage Communities world wide to connect on a private social network. At it’s peak it had several hundred members from many countries around the world.
Planet Earth Scouts was a private social network created to support the Earth Scouts members that were originally formed within the Earth Charter US organization.


Producing and publishing CD’s and DVD’s for allied partners is an arena that is exciting and a very rewarding experience.  The creators we worked with were often being not given a fair percentage of the profits through other contracts, were not sure how to share their works in the world, or simply wanted to ‘get it out there’.  Our team created websites and assisted in marketing their works through creative community networking strategies that helped them in their outreach to their audiences. 

Another arena that was very rewarding was creating custom graphics and logos for our partners.  This one was created by team member Element Green for a project that comedian “Swami Beyondananda” Steve Bhearman created called ‘Department of Heartland Security’.  Original graphics for allies and partners are always a part of our effort to help in branding and creating beautiful websites and marketing material.